(yes another "artist sketch-blog" not the most original idea, but it does smell worse than all other sketch bloogs)
Welcome random intarnets travel'r. Prepare for your mind to be warped in unpleasant yet strangely arousing ways. I will be using this blag as a place to dump my nasty images, and gutteral spewings to terrorize unwary internet wanderers. I am using the term 'dump' in a very literal sense....
dump (d
v. dumped, dump·ing, dumps
v. tr.
- To release or throw down in a large mass.
- Slang. To criticize another severely: was always dumping on me.
- A place where refuse is dumped: a garbage dump; a nuclear waste dump.
All of the above will this bleeg be, and more! But enough babble here's some pictars I made!

This be my first try at a semi-real caricature of good old (and I do mean old ;P) Johann Kircfalusi. He is a good inspiration of mine, and I wanted to capture him and all of his lechery (though I do not believe it should be contained).

Gals faces from that there "Fruits" magazine. These and the man faces are just done on the fly with no under sketching. Ain't I special?

If you happen to need practice at drawing funny looking people maybe even outrageously clothed Japanese youths, you should take a gander at this magazine "Fruits". It is chock full of zany looking yung-uns. There are also other great Japan fashion mags that any decent internet search will find you. Also, enjoy a good look at those lucious girlies, because as the title of this-a-here blug states, almost all of my future imagery will indeed be "Seriously Ugly".
Now, don't think that this will just be one of those "other" sketch-blogs that will start out all exciting then run out of steam. Nay, I say. I eat every day, therefore I must take a dump everyday. So there will be plenty of brain filth to go around. I promise nudity in the next post, and may even treat thine shining eyes with colored or even moving images. However, I am no cheap date, so I've got to get to know you first before I show the goods. ......wait a minnit....
Is anyone even reading this?!?!?!?! Hello intarnet are you there? What are ya>? leave a comment if you feel so inclined.
1 comment:
Likein that john and Katie one-Made me Chuckle.
Sometimes I think it would be a whole lot easier If I was a young Chick to have some older fellow tuck me under his wing
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