Dear fellow bloggers,
here is a nice picture of the aftermath of a face plant off a bicycle going quite fast. I can't say that I did not have it coming. I take many chances while delivering and my luck was adding up. Fortunately it didn't happen while at work.... UNfortunately it happened while riding home from the bar after work. I was quite sober, just berry berry stupid and switching my hands on the handlebars for "fun". Lotsa fun.

We all had a good laugh. Me, Tim O a.k.a. Mit Mortso the Magnificent, and the drunken homeless looking fellow that happened to be walking nearby. There are some other injuries on me body, but none worth documenting like that face. Bike works fine and I was able to ride home.
Here is something cool too. These pics are of a spider that lives in the tree right in front of our front door. Her web stretches from the branches to the top of the bushes below. She's a biggun and she only sits in her web at night. I named her Moony. The second pic is unaltered, I used the low light setting on the camera and I'm guessing the gravel in the bg threw it off. Looks like a tapestry or a Photoshop filter tutorial.

And that brings the total of cool, occult, familiar animals living around or under the front porch to four. Nocturnal Moony the spider, Miss Kitty and her three kittens, Bravery, Tab Tab, and Scaredy Cat. I didn't have the camera when the babies were young. They are pretty grown now, but still cute. Miss Kitty looked so funny after nursing, those kittens sucked her skinny and her nipples always looked raw and painful. But I guess that is the momma cat's life.... the daddy has a barbed cock and the babies have razor sharp teeth.
I am visiting me fam until new year so probably no art or updates here. Not that anyone actually reads this, right?