Crooks of the Western world quick to discard the shell and snatch all the pearls..
Here is a CD cover I just finished for a friend's Halloween themed CD. They called it the Crystal Skull Project. I love black and white illustration, can you tell? It would fold in half with the stained glass skull on the front.
Whiskey River take my mind, Don't let her mem'ry torture me.
Whiskey River don't run dry, You're all I've got, take care of me.
Well, it has been and emotionally and physically taxing 11 days since the last post. I am sorry about the lack of updates, but here are two pictures I've worked on that you might enjoy. The tower was for a charity flyer for my old church. The Halloween one is an ad that Im actually getting paid for. I still have a couple other deadlines for art and will have to balance them with the old menial labor job. I'm going to spare you all the reasons for the emotionally taxing part of my life, Willie Nelson's famous lyrics do the best job. Enjoy the art!

Cornflakes with Sugar and Teardrops....
These are my feeble attempts at poetry. I enjoy Shel Silverstein's work greatly. As an artist and a poet he was doubly talented. I tried to spice up the poems with pics like good old Shel, except i like his ink drawings better, like his poems. These two of mine are dedicated to a woman named *Blanky Blank Blank Blank* edited at request.
I still love u whit, sorry
America is the home of the hypocrite, American dreams are fu-fu-full of it....
Here is another story of some wierd workplace happenings, this time in glorious color! I will be making more and more of these short comics as practise for story telling and coloring. It is based on a true story!

I still love u whit, sorry
You cannot go to Zion with a carnal mind.....
Just some more sketchy. Sketchy sketchy dats all I does, until I start getting paid regularly to draw (hint hint!!) Here are some lovlies with bodies that I do not normally draw, skinny girls. Mostly in cartoons the only way people exaggerate women is by making them look like a fertility goddess i.e. ginormous boobies and buttocks. I have no problem with this, I love me some chubb. What about the skinnier girls who are still beautiful? Will they only be shown in anime stlye (which in my opinion is an insult) or as Olive Oil? I am slowly, slowly loosening up on the lines and realism. I think they are still too realistic.